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2015 off to the right start!




2015 off to the right start!

JP Hoe

2014 ended with a bang, with another successful holiday show, where we managed to raise over $16000 for the Christmas Cheer Board! We're thrilled Winnipeggers turned out in doves for the annual heart attack on the stage, JP's words. 


Already things are cooking for JP, including:

-Working in the studio with Rusty Matyas (Imaginary Cities, Waking Eyes, Weakerthans, The Sheepdogs) on an upcoming record, due this fall.

-Added new live videos we shot with the Indie Kitchen Sessions on tour in the English countryside last fall.

-Playing The Festival du Voyageur Feb 14

-Heading to Iceland for the first time to play the Reykjavik Folk Festival March 5-7

-Heading back to SXSW March 17-22


We'll post SXSW showcase times in a few weeks, as well, more album updates, and other bits we think you need to know. 


Have a great 2015!